This is an ongoing project. We will add answers as the question come in. Got a question that you need an answer to just email it to Ron@support-center.com.

Client FAQs

Please complete the form under the knowledge base menu item of just click here.

Please go the the main menu and login and click on the MANAGE ACCOUNT

National Support Center ACCOUNTAL PORTAL Features

Allow customers to view a list of their open and paid invoices.

Allow customers to view and update their billing information.

Allow customers to view and update payment methods.

This is where you go to cancel your subscription. We only cancel at the end of the billing period.

Repair Service

  • We do not charge for travel!
  • Our Rates are $125 per hour with a minimum of 2 hours per visit.


Instalation Services

Any project this complex needs to be studyed and quoted to the owner.

More Details

Phone Service

95% of the time we asnwer a call in 3 rings or less!


We got started in 1995 when the internet was mostly dialup over the phone service. Our founder was one of the earlest users of the internet. One day he had some technical issues. When he called for help – –  well it stunk. He then realized that there was a need for real good internet support. That was over 25 years ago.